Felco - © Swiss Design Awards Journal
02 June 2018


Felco - © Swiss Design Awards Journal

Felco, founded in 1945 by Félix Flisch, Val-de-Ruz
Manufacturer of professional pruning shears, Les Geneveys-sur-Coffrane

Founded by Félix Flisch in 1945, Felco has, from its inception, focused on creating innovative and durable products for cutting and pruning markets. Through their three main tenets of ergonomics, excellence and interchangeability”, the company has succeeded in capturing not only the professional market, but also domestic users.

In 1948, the company launched its best known product, the Felco 2 pruning shears, and continues to produce it today. With interchangeable parts and a lifelong warranty, the utensil can be passed on from generation to generation, maintaining its excellence. The company’s commitment to innovation continues to this day, alongside a steady expansion to other markets all over the world.

Felco - © Swiss Design Awards Journal

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